Our Current Vacancies

 We do not have any current vacancies for volunteer positions but if you are interested in volunteering with us in the future please contact us at info@syrlj.org.uk and we'll notify you when recruitment opens.

Working at SYRLJ

SYRLJ is committed to being an excellent employer. We couldn’t do the work we do without our dedicated staff team. We are committed to ensuring that staff are properly supported to do their jobs, can access training and professional development opportunities and are adequately remunerated. Our salaries are banded and employees receive increments each year based on length of service until reaching the top of their band. We also regularly review salary bands in relation to inflation and the cost of living.

Employee Benefits

We offer 28 days annual leave plus 8 bank holidays (pro-rata), 6% employer pension contributions as well as enhanced sickness, maternity, adoption and paternity benefits. We have a 35hr full time working week. We understand and respect the need for a sustainable work-life balance and we aim to have a flexible and supportive approach to work whilst ensuring we provide a high quality service. 

Supervision and Support

We recognise that the work we do can take its toll on staff, particularly those who are in client-facing roles. We work on challenging legal cases with people who are often in very difficult situations. Many practitioners working in our sector experience vicarious trauma, burnout and feelings of guilt which can be difficult to manage. We recognise the responsibilities of organisations working in this field to protect and support staff with the psychological impact of the work they do. We provide regular external therapeutic supervision as part of all client-facing roles.

Information for those considering a career in Law

Becoming an OISC Qualified Legal Adviser

We are authorised to provide immigration legal advice and representation by the Office for the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC). All of our legal advisers are OISC accredited and we also support volunteers who wish to pursue these qualifications.

You can find more information about becoming an OISC legal adviser here.

Becoming a qualified Solicitor

If you have studied law and are planning to pursue a career in legal practice you may need to undertake ‘Qualifying Work Experience’ - part of the competencies required to qualify as a solicitor.

Any time you spend volunteering or working with us can be counted towards the work experience you need to become a qualified solicitor.

You can find further information about this route to qualifying as a solicitor here.

South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice

© SYRLJ 2023 | Registered Charity No. 1199706 | Registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner: N202300046